Senin, 07 November 2016


"Realistically...." I say it loudly.

That was the first line of e-mail was intended to me, by my junior. I was there, behind her back when she typed it. She wasn't expecting me coming, but I peeked and laughed. She was trying to shoo-shoo me and I agree.

Today, I went early for a live tv interview and I back for home early because of that. Then my other junior asked "why are you going home" - "I start early, my shits are done done" I replied.

"Realistically" the word become so much to think.

I want to go back to my junior and said "Well, realistically, I'm getting older. Tired with over-time shits. I have life other than work. My paper is waiting." No. I didn't said it to her, I went home after buying some classic puddings that Mum like so much.

Funny thing, today, while spending sometimes reviewing reports, I watched this man-digging-youtube show by a dating coach. He discussed about man, an MPI, I forgot but it explained about the man whom always maintaining you from time to time - sending texts, checking you out, but not for you. It's for them, to make them feel secure and wanted.

and Realistically, it relates.

Realistically, it's maybe the primetime to get real.
To look around, to find something that was always there.

As I strolled through Facebook, I found that girl who cut off every possible way of uncertainty. Just to find she kissed the Real man on a dim-light shrine in Hong Kong.

Les jus be real, Dest!

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