Sabtu, 11 Februari 2017

Dad: The Meaning of Romance

For the xx times, I'm going home with Dad after work. It was a rare night, he bought me a plate of Nasi Goreng, so I can eat in the car, on the way back home.

We were talking like we mean it. He asked me about my recent job interview and how I always pursue things for life.

"Kid, be easy on yourself. You always want to aim for the stars reach that mountain, school and work and things. Might as well think about your private life too..."

He sound worried, I want to laugh loud.
I dated several guys in the past, and I did, think about my private life (read: love life).. yet I know why. I never introduce any of my boyfriend for the past he didn't know.

The conversation goes, this time Dad give his comments about how I keep my stuffs

"You are clumsy just like your Mom. Be neat, Dear. Look at your cracking phone. Be ashamed of it, it's a reflection of your personality - a guy will notice who you are by looking at your phone"

I grin, carelessly. All my exes and BF knows very well about this, yet they loved me even more for that bad habit.

We laugh together.

Until we brought up that sensitive issue about Mom, and how can we love her better. It's a long conversation until...

"and how about you, seeing Mom and her bad habit - you should've known this for too long even when you two were dating Dad."

"I know. Very well. I guess that is just me and how I keep my favorite things. Once I choose it, I keep it forever"

Then I realize why I love him so much.
The very man that I always adore since I was a little baby. The very man who hugged me every now and then. The man who sets unrealistic partner standard for me.

My Dad.

And I know how I want it now, a guy who choose to love me, every day, over and over again.

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